FOLK – From racial types to DNA sequences
What: Exhibition opening
When: March 21, 2018
Facebook Event
Welcome to our exhibition opening: FOLK – From racial types to DNA sequences.
The heyday of scientific racism is over, but racism still exists in our society. Despite the ways that research shows us it does not make sense to sort people into biological races, such ideas have not disappeared. They live on – not only in extremist ideologies, but also in how we relate to each other in our daily lives.
In FOLK you can explore examples of contemporary genome research and historical race science. The exhibition also sheds light on the interactions between science, society, and culture, and points to the profound consequences that such research can have for society and the lives of individuals.
The exhibition is produced by the National Medical Museum at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology (Norsk Teknisk Museum). It is supported by the Research Council of Norway and the Fritt Ord Foundation.
From 5.30 pm: Light refreshments from Injera Palace; activity: The Sound of Folk; DJ Alli Meir: Cultural Appropriation Blues
From 6 pm:
Master of ceremony: Ellen Lange, Nasjonalt medisinsk museum/Norsk Teknisk Museum
* Head of exhibitions Joel Boaz: welcome
* Director Lars Magne Andreassen, Árran lulesamisk senter
* Program coordinator Tor Lunde Larsen, The Research Council of Norway
* Artist Bjørn Erik Haugen: Excerpt from video work with percussion by Kristoffer Almås
* Historian and government grant holder Per Haave: "Racism and the role of science in the politics of assimilating the Romani people in the Norwegian welfare state"
* Exhibition curators Ageliki Lefkaditou and Jon Kyllingstad: On the exhibition and the research project
* Performance artist Camara Joof opens the exhibition
The arrangement and the exhibition are open to everyone.
The museum closes at 8.30pm.