Collaborative designing of the digital installation "The Sound of FOLK".
Co-designing with young people at a science museum - a qualitative study of process
This is a PhD research supervised by School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester. In Oslo Dagny Stuedahl from Department of journalism and mediastudies at Oslo Metropolitan University is the co-supervisor.
From the autumn of 2016 until spring 2020 a collaborative partnership has been established with youths from 16 to 19 years, a cross professional team at NTM, an external museum researcher from Oslo Met, university students and children aged 10-13. All in all, 22 people have been involved in this qualitative study of a co-design process.
The first series of co-design workshops led to the production of a sound-based installation, The Sound of FOLK as part of the FOLK exhibition.
The Sound of Folk, Participatory Design of a Sound-Driven Museum Installation, Tobias Messenbrink, Master Thesis, Informatics: design, use, interaction UiO 2018.
The Sound of FOLK, on display connected to the FOLK exhibion.
Norsk Teknisk Museum Kjelsåsveien 143 0491 Oslo
Tlf: 22 79 60 00 Telefontid: Man.–fre. kl. 08–16
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