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Science, identity and belonging

Co-designing with young people at a science museum - a qualitative study of process

This is a PhD research supervised by School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester. In Oslo Dagny Stuedahl from Department of journalism and mediastudies at Oslo Metropolitan University is the co-supervisor. 

By Torhild Skåtun, museum pedagouge, PhD 

From the autumn of 2016 until spring 2020 a collaborative partnership has been established with youths from 16 to 19 years, a cross professional team at NTM, an external museum researcher from Oslo Met, university students and children aged 10-13. All in all, 22 people have been involved in this qualitative study of a co-design process.

The first series of co-design workshops led to the production of a sound-based installation, The Sound of FOLK  as part of the FOLK exhibition.

This co-design research project is closely connected to the temporary exhibition; FOLK from racial types to DNA sequences (2018-19).

Collaborative designing of the digital installation "The Sound of FOLK".

people operating the digital installation  Lyden av FOLK

The Sound of FOLK, on display connected to the FOLK exhibion. 

The Sound of Folk, Participatory Design of a Sound-Driven Museum Installation, Tobias Messenbrink, Master Thesis, Informatics: design, use, interaction UiO 2018.

Norsk Teknisk Museum

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