Jon Røyne Kyllingstad
Jon Røyne Kyllingstad (PhD) is the leader of this project and is responsible for the study "Racial typology and genetic research, and constructions of biological difference between Sami and Non-Sami Scandinavians (1945-2012)". Kyllingstad is a historian specializing in the history of science, knowledge and academic institutions in the late 19th and the early 20th century, and has for many years been interested in ideas about race and human differences. He has participated in writing a multi-volume work on the history at the University of Oslo. He has studied the development of disciplines like oceanography, meteorology, biology, historiography, archaeology, linguistics, ethnography, folkloristic, biology, medicine and physical anthropology in Norway.
Before joining the Museum for University and Science History at the University of Oslo as Associate Professor, he worked as Senior Curator at The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology.
Tel: (+47) 48 22 82 53

Jon R. Kyllingstad
Recent publications:
Kyllingstad, J. R., 2019. "Kristine Bonnevies vitenskapelighet og rasehygienen". Arr, volume 1-2.
Kyllingstad, J. R., 2017/2018. "'Rase'- vitenskap og ideologi. Om bakgrunnen for Alette og Kristian Schreiners forsknng i Tysfjord'. Bårjås, s. 28-41.
Kyllingstad, J. R., 2017. "The absence of race in Norway", Journal of Anthropological Studies, volume 95, pages 319–327.
Kyllingstad, J. R., Lefkaditou, A., 2015. Book review: "Eugenics and physical anthropology in Hungary and Greece", Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Part C, volume 49, pages 70-74.
Lefkaditou A., Kyllingstad J. R., 2015. Book review: "Discussing the biocultural approach to race". Science & Education, volume 24 (9), pages 1263–1269.
Kyllingstad J. R., Lefkaditou A., 2015. "Finnes det raser?" Morgenbladet online, 22. mai 2015.
Kyllingstad J. R., 2014. "Measuring the master race: Physical anthropology in Norway 1890-1945". Cambrigde, UK: OpenBook Publishers.
Kyllingstad J. R., 2014. "The concept of a Lappish race: Norwegian research on Sami skeletal remains in the interwar years" in "Old Bones. Osteoarchaeology in Norway: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow", ed. B. J. Sellevold. Oslo, Norway: Novus forlag.