Ageliki Lefkaditou
Ageliki Lefkaditou is Senior Curator at The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. She writes on the history of anthropology and human population genetics research, race, and racism from the late nineteenth century to the present with a special focus on Greece. As a museum curator, she is interested in the development of museum theory, methods, and practices, as well as in science communication. She received her first PhD from the Department of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and she is currently completing her second PhD in the history of science at the University of Leeds.
From April 2014, she has worked in a 3-year postdoctoral research position with this project at the Institute of Health and Society at the University of Oslo. Her study is entitled: "From Calipers to Sequencers: Physical Anthropology in Greece and the Construction of Racial and National Identity, 1950s to present".
Tlf: (+47) 48 63 34 41

Ageliki Lefkaditou
Recent publications:
Lefkaditou A., 2018. ""This wonderful people", Darwin, the Victorians, and the Greeks". Journal of Modern Greek Studies, volume 36, pages 97–124.
Lefkaditou, A., 2018. “Marius Turda; Aaron Gillette. Latin eugenics in comparative perspective.; Marius Turda, ed. The history of East-Central European eugenics, 1900–1945: Sources and commentaries.”, Isis, volume 109 (3), pages 649–652.
Lefkaditou A., 2017. "Observations on race and racism in Greece". Journal of Anthropological Studies, volume 95, pages 329–338.
Lefkaditou A., 2017. Essay review "Practicing race and photography". Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, volume 64, pages 92–96.
Lefkaditou A., 2017. "Putting history on display". History of Anthropology Newsletter, online.
Lefkaditou A. "Yet another Greek tragedy? Physical anthropology and the construction of national identity in the late nineteenth century". In National races: Transnational power struggles in science and politics, 1840s–1940s, ed. R. McMahon, Lincoln: Nebraska University Press, in press.
Lefkaditou A., Kyllingstad J. R., 2015. Book review: "Discussing the biocultural approach to race", Science & Education, volume 24 (9), pages 1263–1269.
Kyllingstad J. R., Lefkaditou A. 2015. Book review :"Eugenics and physical anthropology in Hungary and Greece". Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences Part C, volume 49, pages 70–74.
Lefkaditou A., 2014. Book review: "Ann Morning: The nature of race: How scientists think and teach about human difference", Science & Education, volume 23 (6), pages 1407–1410.